When we go to a Petrol/Gas Filling Station, most often we order to fill the tank.
The filling boy inserts the pump nozzle in the fuel tank and ventures off to next car and repeats the process there. The tank gets filled the meter stops but the filling boy is nowhere in sight. The driver of the car looks for him, honks for him and then he appears after few minutes. He takes out the nozzle, closes the tank and comes to the driver’s window. Advises the amount and asks if the bill or receipt is required.
If it is yes, he goes to the front of the car, notes the number, goes to the printer and prints the bill. The driver rolls up the window and drives off. From the time the filling stopped to the time the car sped off, there is minimum 5 minutes time lapse. This feels like an eternity and very painful if you are in a hurry and more so if you are next in the queue! At times it leads to aggravation.
However, what we do not realize is how much extra petrol/gas is burned by the waiting cars with their engines running. What is the impact on Environment with increased Carbon Footprints that could have been avoided? If there are 1000 cars a day on a busy Gas Station. There are at least 5000 minutes or 83 collective hours a day wasted at one Gas station! You do the math for all the gas stations in Dubai and for the whole year!
This can be avoided if each driver orders the petrol/Gas with a specific amount, pays that amount in the beginning, gets the receipt if required for that amount and the moment Meter stops, he can leave without further delay. Even if the filling boy is not around, he can remove the nozzle from the tank, close the lid himself and drive off without wasting his own time and saving others at the same time. It will also help in reducing the Carbon Foot Prints.
Mangrove Cleaning Services:
I am doing this and I have issued instructions to all the drivers of the vehicles of Mangrove Cleaning Services. Dubai to be sensitive to our environment, their and other waiting drivers’ time. Will you also join in our campaign?