Steam Cleaning:
Public Places like Mosques, Churches, Cinemas, Theaters, Majlises, Community Halls etc. They need steam cleaning for Carpets and Upholstered items periodically and regularly. Wherever there are lot of Carpets, Upholstered items, and people gather regularly. These places are the potential breeding grounds for Bacteria, Dust mites, Fungal Spores and Bed bugs etc.
These places, are normally dark and not properly ventilated. You might clean them but they need proper sanitization. If the sanitization is done with Chemicals, fumes and residues of those Chemicals stay in that environment. And on the seating articles in these places. These Chemicals can cause irritation, ENT problems and a host of other ailments besides harming our fragile environment. majority of the Cleaning Companies in Dubai use chemicals.
Dubai Municipality places a great emphasis on Green methods of cleaning. Mangrove Cleaning Services employs State of the Art Steam Cleaning Machines to Clean and Sanitize such Public Places in Dubai. Steam Cleaning kills 99.9% Bacteria, Fungal spores, Dust mites and Bedbugs etc that thrive in such place. If you manage any of such facilities, you may contact us through our Service Request Form on our main website. Live Healthily.